Ideas are meant to be shared.
Yours, mine, & ours.
Ordinary Tipping Point
Arriving before daybreak to immerse myself in the Austin phenomenon that is SXSW, I joined a rising tide of die-hard live music fans. On this morning, everything changed in an instant and it had nothing to do with the performance.
Fruit > Results.
While the Church wrestles with outward cultural relevance, it's also navigating an inward challenge of metrics. Results and fruit, though both valuable, serve distinct purposes. The primary difference is: God doesn't call His people primarily to results—He invites us to bear fruit.
The IKEA effect & Other Things that Last
Even if shopping comes easily, an IKEA excursion can expose even the most committed of shoppers. I have a friend who imagines IKEA as the Swedish word for “hell.”…
Advent’s Three Time Zones
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Story famously illustrates these three “time zones” through the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. He narrates the Christian vision that even the most Scrooge-like person among us can experience a change of heart.
On Becoming Un-equally Yoked
The Church today is missing a great opportunity to be UNequally yoked. Of course, sameness isn’t bad. It’s just geared toward maintenance rather than growth.
Reframing Darkness.
What if darkness didn’t just represent fear, evil, and confusion but was also a place of dreams, germination, and deep roots?
Finding a Rhythm, (even if you think you have none).
The difference between knowledge and knowing is relationship.
RAPT Interview
Join our conversation to learn more about some of David’s passions: semiotics, spiritual rhythms, small-batch disciple-making, his Norwegian heritage, and more.
Recovering the Mission
Disciplemaking is not about what you know. It’s knowing how to give away what you have already received.
A New Operating System, Part 2
Disorientation is the fertile soil of real change because what comes next could be new life.
Short on Adulting
If you haven’t had the results or things are moving slower than you like, you might be toiling with greatness.