Feeling stuck in your disicplemaking game?
When disciplemaking is more about a deepening relationship than a curriculum…when it’s more about Christlikeness than becoming knowledgeable or a better volunteer…It might feel like less work.
We don’t work at a sport. We play ball. We don’t work an instrument. We play the guitar. Similarly, what if the learning curve of being a disciple and becoming a disicplemaker was about experimenting with faith, cultivating kingdom imagination, learning to relationally share what you already have? What if growing as a disciple was looking to grow fruit instead of produce results?
Do You Have Tools for
Making Disciples?
Becoming a disciple of Jesus can be an organic and transformative process. But that doesn’t mean it is completely unstructured.
Small Batch Discipleship provides a relational pathway for making disciples, and rhythms for any Christian to embody and reproduce God’s redeeming love and Jesus’ mission.
Sign up now to receive a series of practical tools you can use in any circumstance where you are making disciples. Each tool is designed to:
Demystify disciple-making with a clear process anyone can use.
Articulate instances of God's presence in subtle, ordinary, and redeeming ways.
Measure fruit, not results, discerning how God’s moving the needle of your heart.
This resource is free and useful wherever you make disciples. Don't hesitate to sign up.
Four Disciplemaking “instruments” to play around with today
Need help to grow your imagination for disciplemaking? Explore these four guides on your own or with those you are discipling. Each exercise is taken from Small Batch Disciplemaking and is designed to help people discover the subtle and grand ways God is shaping one’s heart.
Identifying God’s Presence in Your Story
A qualitative exercise to discern how God is moving the needle of your heart.
A 360 relational inventory to uncover how - & in whom - God is present & shaping your life.
An interactive evaluation with God’s names to discover truth as personal, real, and unchanging.
Find Your Rhythm
Discipleship is more caught than taught. Discover a relational pathway to animate Christ, experiment with faith, find the words for the difference He’s making, and discern the ways in which the Spirit is moving.